Top tier surgical services to your patients in your office. Serving Texas and Oklahoma
Traveling Full Arch Surgeons
Why you should Consider TFAS
Dental Experts
Dr. Clark Damon has performed over 2,750 Fixed implant arches since 2012 with success rates over 99.5%. He is a Key Opinion Leader for Neodent, lectures nationally, and places 50-60 implants a week. We can tackle any case and do it the best it can be done: Standard AOX, Pterygoids, and/or Zygomas we can handle that for you and for your patients.
Patient Safety
Let us take the burden off of you and elevate the care that can be provided in your office. The Full Arch learning curve is steep, taking hundreds of cases to gain proficiency, excellence, and predictability. You can also handle the easy cases, and we handle the hard ones. Partnering with TFAS will allow you to treat a wider array of patient anatomy and more patients treated.
Quality Results
From day 1 using TFAS, you will get the best full arch implant results for your patients and practice. You can also be side by side learning, seeing how we navigate each of the challenges that comes with every Full Arch case. Having better predictability = more profits.
Our Services
All on X Standard
Dr. Damon’s bread and butter. Elevate your Arch results with one of the top docs in the country doing your arches. Typically 3-4 arches can be done per visit. Note: our standard comes with 6 implants with 2 being bilateral pterygoids and 2 implants retro-foraminal.
Want to treat atrophic maxillas? Get Dr. Damon involved in maximizing the cases your office can provide. In addition, treat more patients better with proper A-P spread, better and longer implants, and appropriate implant spacing with Zygomatic implants.
We bring Everything
TFAS will bring all implants, abutments, surgical instruments, implant instruments and tooling. We pass along our implant savings on to you! Your implant cost will be much lower with Dr. Damon bringing the implants. We are also responsible for maintaining stock of all sizes and rescue implants as needed.
How do we work with your office?
Step 1
Start by filling out our intake form on the schedule page, please give us brief description of the day you want to arrange, how many arches and patients you wish to schedule. We will then reach out to get all of the patients medical information, a copy of the CBCT for Dr. Damon to review. Please have standard series of orthodontic photos, full face shots, maximum smile shots, and resting photos. The referring doctor will be expected to handle all aspects of the prosthodontics scope: from intake records to finalization of the prosthesis.
Typically we are available most Fridays, and we need a lead time of 2-3 weeks provided medical consults are arranged.
Step 2
Consultations and Coordination
We will handle medical consultation requests to the patients medical providers, obtain pre-OP EKG, and coordinate our Anesthesia team to be on site for our surgical day in your office. We will also coordinate with your dental team to make sure the patients temporary prosthesis is designed or fabricated.
Step 3
Surgery Day
We will arrive at your office generally 45 minutes before the desired start time to get the room set up and have everything ready. We will bring implant motors, surgical instruments, implant kits, sutures, and everything needed for full arch implant dentistry. Dr. Damon will also bring the implants and all back up rescue implants for the case. We ask that you have 2 assistants completely available for us one as a surgical assistant and another as scrub nurse.
Schedule your Appointment
It all begins with submitting the form to get your patient scheduled. If you have general questions you can also ask them on the form as well. Questions please feel free to give us a call also, although we might be tied up in surgery, please leave a detailed message.
Note we will need to get in touch with the referring doctor for each case prior to confirming your surgery appointment. We also require Nasal Intubation, patients above 50 to require a pre-op EKG, and medical consultation. We will submit the medical consultations and coordinate with the patients medical providers on your offices behalf, so if you can have all patients medical providers and numbers handy.
Dr. Damons Cases